As such, it is always very disappointing when fake shirts are brought to our attention. This season for example, we rejected two 'gold-seal' samples, to ensure that the colour and print on the shirts was right for our supporters. Likewise, we demand the highest production quality for our shirts when it comes to fabrics, stitching, embroidery and printing.
All of the fake shirts that we have seen have been of poor quality across the product.
Our genuine replica shirts are only available from the Luton Town Club Shops, and our online store . We would urge all supporters to only purchase Luton Town merchandise directly from us, to ensure that you are receiving a product that your support deserves, and that the income generated goes towards helping strengthen the Club.
Below are photos of the front and back of two shirts. One is genuine, the other is a fake.
Can you spot which is which? If so, you could win a genuine 2019-20 home shirt. This competition closes at 12:00 noon on Thursday 5th September, when we will reveal the answer along with the list of differences.
Thank you for your support, and good luck.