

Staff at the Club were grateful to see sunny skies above them this morning as they took to the Kenilworth Road pitch perimeter to raise money for their charity of the year.


It's all part of this week's activities to help raise money and awareness for the Club charity of the year, Transitions UK. This weekend, the Luton based charity will benefit from their dedicated matchday, where the lads will run out against Exeter City in shirts emblazoned with the charity's logo.

Today though, it's the staff's turn to raise some money, by walking the perimeter of the pitch, and through the Oak Road end to complete as many laps as possible between 9am and 3pm this afternoon.

Charity lead Ron Overton was at the Club, taking part and helping to encourage the walkers on their way.

"It's a fantastic offer from the Club to take part in this walk today, and we're incredibly excited to see our logo on the players' shirts for the Exeter match tomorrow", he said.

"Every penny raised today, and over the weekend will go to help young people with disabilities and learning difficulties locally through a two year mentoring and befriending programme called 'Achieve' which is delivered right here in Luton."

If any supporters would like to get behind the team today, we'd welcome donations big or small - it's easy to donate via the total giving website at: A team of volunteers from Transitions UK will be at the ground tomorrow as well, so please do show them your legendary generosity and warm welcome at Kenilworth Road.


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